needless$51945$ - traduction vers grec
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needless$51945$ - traduction vers grec

Strunk and White; Elements of Style; Strunk & White; Strunk-White; Elements of style; The elements of style; Strunk and white; The Elements Of Style; Rule 17; Strunk & white; Make every word tell; Omit needless words

adj. άχρηστος, άσκοπος, περιττός


Something that is needless is completely unnecessary.
But his death was so needless...
'I have never knowingly exposed any patient to needless risks,' he said.
Half a million women die needlessly each year during childbirth...
ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj
You use needless to say when you want to emphasize that what you are about to say is obvious and to be expected in the circumstances.
Our budgie got out of its cage while our cat was in the room. Needless to say, the cat moved quicker than me and caught it.
= of course
PHRASE: PHR with cl [emphasis]


The Elements of Style

The Elements of Style is an American English writing style guide in numerous editions. The original was written by William Strunk Jr. in 1918, and published by Harcourt in 1920, comprising eight "elementary rules of usage", ten "elementary principles of composition", "a few matters of form", a list of 49 "words and expressions commonly misused", and a list of 57 "words often misspelled". E. B. White greatly enlarged and revised the book for publication by Macmillan in 1959. That was the first edition of the so-called Strunk & White, which Time named in 2011 as one of the 100 best and most influential books written in English since 1923.

American poet Dorothy Parker said, regarding the book:

If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second-greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of The Elements of Style. The first-greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they're happy.